Bőcs Község Honlapja
Letöltések stb.
Population: 2897
Area: 2432 ha
Accesibility: the village lies in the central part of the county, 18 km south-east of Miskolc, along the Hernád stream. It is accessible both by road and rail.
Municipality address: 3574 Bőcs, Hősök tere 1.
Phone: +36-46-318-009
Mayor: Mr. László S. Nagy
Characteristics: The settlement’s climate is warm and arid. The portion of land covered by plough lands, grazing grounds and meadows is high. The settlement owes its name to the nobility owning the territory at early times of the village and it first appeared in written from in 1263. In the Middle Ages the settlement changed owners sereval times. During the Turkis era the village was burnt down and the inhabitants driven away. Int he 18th century it belonged to the Rákóczi family, thus inhabitants were converted to the Calvinist religion.
Number of apartements: 951
Apartments with/running water: 80%
Gas: 75%
Phone: 63%
Paved roads: 100%
Garbage collection: organized
Sewage: closed system
Development plan starting in the year of 2010:
- construction of a new kindergarten
- construction of a training swimming pool
- building a bio-gas firm
- using renewable energy (solar cell, solar collector, biomass boiler)
Unemployment: most of the 200 unemployed are unskilled.
Economy: There are 143 enterprises, 73 of these are private entrepreneurs in the village. Borsod beer brewery is the largest company in the area and it provides good job opportunities.
Institutions: two kindergartens, primary school, culture house, sports hall, post office, doctor’s office, pharmacy, old people’s home
History of Bőcs (.DOC)
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